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Friday, September 2, 2016

Day One...

We are on our way to Chelan. Our fourth annual family trip.
          We stop in Leavenworth for lunch 

Yes, there is a little person on the other side of the fence, giggling 

Good bye to Leavenworth ...onward to Chelan

Condo is not ready, but boys are ready for a swim

The Downtown Park at Manson 

Terry, AKA Grammy, has heart shaped rocks for the boys
This, she pulls out of her pocket after calling for a clean up crew.
It seems the schedule said " no new guests"
So, no one had made up the beds
cleaned out the frig
taken out the garbage.
You get the picture.
Terry provided many smiles while we waited about 3 more hours 

Favorite spot, right outside our deck.

Dinner at the Chelan BBQ. Always a family favorite

This is one reason we love it.   Rolling hills and climbing bars

Auntie was so quick on her feet and to the aid of little man who took a tumble
By her side, is cousin, who ran, just as fast, shoved a straw into his Dad's juice box
and came to comfort the injured. 

End of  a long day
Time for a show and popcorn

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