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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day

This year, May 10th is Mother's Day

  In 2006  May 14th was Mother's Day 

It was my first celebration as a Grandma and my first year without my mother

I have many pictures of my mother but this is a favorite and it is on my kitchen windowsill
I see it everyday, but I do not need to see her face to remember her.
I think of her every day 
God chose her to be my mother
He knew what He was doing
My Mother was no respecter of persons, she liked everyone. And everyone liked my Mother. ( not just her cookies that she baked to share on a regular basis ) 
Yes, we had challenges and some hard things, pretty sure most families do.  But, she worked hard. there were some things she had no control over.  She did what she thought was right. An example for me to follow  

And that is something that is part of my parenting too.
Reflecting on our years of raising our family there are things I wish I could erase, but we did what we thought was right, at the time. Sometimes what we were advised as the right things to do. 

Then came the grandchildren.  The role is different but always responsibility and privilege. 

So many memories 

That is another story

Today I am remembering my Mother 
I will always miss her 

Honor your father and your mother which is the first commanded with  a promise
Ephesians 6:2 

1 comment:

klamb said...

Very well said. I agree about your mother, she was a gem!