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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Making a difference


The lad in this true story is Chase.  I have not met him, ( I know his grandparents ) but after reading this "Powerful" story I can say I  would love to be part of his circle of friends. 

A closer look... we hear the word, and who has not been touched by cancer, maybe a relative or dear friend.   

Our family has been touched too, but at the far right of the scale. Hubby had his 44 treatments of radiation with no side effects. None. We did meet others, every day in that waiting room who did have side effects.. those are stories I shared in 2018.  And I have several cousins who have faced hard times, very hard, during their treatments.   And it factors into the impact that this book has made in my heart and life.

I had read the first line of posts that updated readers, but it was not until I saw the post where Chase, turning 13, was asking for the same number/amount, as a donation to the doctors and staff of his "caregivers". Not for himself, or even his family, but for the people who had participated in saving his life. 
( Mama Ellie  has 14K followers on Facebook, she is an amazing writer )  

So, I ordered the book.  This story is the far left of any I know. I am sure there are others, but not that I have come to know.   Not just a cancer that was treated and back home and all good.  No, this was far more, and is on going.  

My mind goes to the Ukrainian war,  hear or read the headlines, but until you let yourself look at the pictures, hear about the horror on a day to day basis, it is hard to wrap your mind and heart around their situation. Maia has a daily update and it makes it more real and often very shocking
( Maia has 39K followers on Facebook, she is an amazing writer )

No, we cannot grieve for every persons hard circumstances, but, we can tune in to the needs/cares of those we are aware of and even someone right next door,  and we can  take the time to bow our head and pray for healing and comfort and also with thankfulness  for the blessings that most of us live with every day.

There is much more that I could share, but Ellie does a great job of showing the family, church, doctors and staff,  all who became a part of Chase's life, his story.  

So read the book.. 

And as Chase repeated and repeated  Joshua 1:9  Be strong and of courage,  do not be afraid, for the Lord is with you wherever you go

And He is.  

I live an exciting life 
