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Monday, July 29, 2019

An annual event

I have attended this fair many times
Once, my sister and I got an early start and there, also getting an early start, was my friend Marilyn !
We spent the day together
Another year, with my sister, we ran into our cousin Fred and his wife Carole.  We did not spend the day with them, but, they loved the jacket I was trying on and gave me permission to splurge. So I did. And I do love that jacket.

It is always the last weekend in July and according to Lloyd's of London
there is the least chance of rain in the entire year.
And usually, they are right

And usually, we take a stroll through the artist's displays and have dinner from the various vendors
OK. usually I have corn on the cob
This year....I had french fries and strawberry shortcake !

It was amazing and a good price, so hubby went and got one for himself

Along the way we ran into Don and Sue ( right at the ice cream / rotary club booth )  Al and Nancy ( long time Bellevue friends ) and Jene and MaryAnn from our favorite Boarding House Restaurant ).   Seems we always run into someone we like. 

Across the street are the more casual artists and the Bellevue Art Museum. They were featuring activities especially for kids

Kids like me 

Build yourself a smore
and then
roast it !  

Then.... Enjoy 

Also spotted a new restaurant with lots of outdoor seating

Also booths from various companies with brochures and maybe a sample of some sort.
This year we came home with a water bottle and 6 lip balms.

I live an exciting life 

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