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Friday, July 19, 2024

Remembering a friend


While her sweet picture was on the screen for most of the memorial, there was so much sharing, amazing things about Nancy that it is hard to believe that one person accomplished so much

All gave glory to God 

"We Rest On Thee" was the first song.  It was Al and Nancy's wedding song and had a special story too.

We missed Andrew, their younger son, but he appeared on the screen to give Nancy's biography

The family had put together a great collection of photos, showing some of her involvement with many groups.

Homily ( sermon to uplift ) " Nancy's Home"
Very sweet message and gospel message. Mark clearly knew Nancy very well, and delivered his thoughts with love

Maybe this is when we all sang together
     " Precious Lord Take my Hand" 

Scriptures shared, Psalm 90 and 139

Four of the 7 grandchildren stood together and shared their love for their Grandma, Nana, with tears and much love

Al's brother John also shared 

Friends of Nancy shared next and it was amazing how much she had been involved with, started, maintained, finished,  never to leave out the friendships that developed.   She was deliberate in her connections.

Qualities/habits   mentioned often,, hospitality, greeting cards, love for the Lord
Phrases she shared:  There are no ordinary people
  We are all made in the image of God
   People need to know they have value 
(in my heart, from a wedding shower years ago Nancy shared ) Validate his feelings first,  then you can share yours.   I have written this many times and tried to live it out.

A reception followed  and I got a huge hug from this girl...and also her close friend Nancy 

My own story began in about 1965, while I was living in Oak Park for a brief time.  Our acquaintance became a friendship when Al and Nancy moved to Bellevue.   Al was a groomsman in our wedding and we attended the weddings of their three children.
Nancy entertained us many times as a young couple and later we joined other ladies in luncheons, Bible study and prayer.  
While our lives have changed, out times together changed. More recently Nancy and I have had coffee or lunch together, sharing  "life", the hard and happy times, always feeling safe. She was a positive and affirming influence to me.  She easily added scripture to our conversations.    

Many good memories    Many gifts  shared    My favorite greeting card came just about a month ago.  A treasure for sure 

Makes me smile  each time I see it
Right in front of me, on my desk
Not sure which one is me
Both are having fun

An example to follow 

I live an exciting life 


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