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Sunday, July 14, 2024

A brief encounter ( it happens )

 While I wish I could have taken a picture, I don't think I will ever forget or lose the mental picture..

At a favorite place, The British Pantry
I could hear the waitress and the family needing a table for four

And in they came, Mama dressed in a Play Boy shirt that barely came to her waist and a hot pink skirt that was a little shy of 12 inches.  
                              Dad was carrying his phone and an infant seat.  Oh that makes five
                              Little fellow, age 7 ( he was surprised I guessed his age  )
                              Little gal, maybe 4, pink fluffy sundress, her name is Kelly
A random conversation with the little fellow.  Wondering  if we were from England.
He and his family are all from England.   He does not like it here. 
He asked about the photos on the wall.. Queen Elizabeth,  Princess Diana 

Kelly is busy having a tea party with her water and the tea cup at her place
She is not happy about something.  She wanders off. She cries out.  

Dad is still on his phone, but wait, there are two infants.. yes twins about 9 months old.

Our food arrives and we bow our heads and give thanks

I hear a little boys voice  " God save the Queen"

Mom and the older kids disappear and the food comes and Dad is still on his phone
It must be a video, I hear voices 
The family is now around the table and starting to eat their dinner
Dad is still on his  phone

Kelly was eating her broccoli trees, little fellow had a huge order of fish and chips, and.. well, then we had to say  " Cheerio "

 Just  a few days later we were eating at the Black Diamond Bakery  and  a little family of four was nearby.   They were quiet, I was impressed how the dad was helping his daughter do some drawing, and mother was turned toward the other daughter... they were obviously having sweet family time. No cell phone in view 
Worth a little praise from a Grammy  ♥  

I live an exciting life 

I live an exciting life 



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