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Saturday, July 20, 2024

A brief encounter

On the ferry, heading into the galley behind a lady

Her blouse was awkwardly tucked into her pants and a little "ruffled"

As we walked she turned around and came back to me and said

" you look so pretty, your outfit is so lovely"

I looked down at my 20 year old strawberry dress with a missing button and a little rip
A loss for words, I said  " thank you, it must be the sparkle shoes"
" No" she said " your outfit is so pretty, you look so lovely"

Hubby agreed... 

I need to wear that dress more often 

i live an exciting life  

Friday, July 19, 2024

Remembering a friend


While her sweet picture was on the screen for most of the memorial, there was so much sharing, amazing things about Nancy that it is hard to believe that one person accomplished so much

All gave glory to God 

"We Rest On Thee" was the first song.  It was Al and Nancy's wedding song and had a special story too.

We missed Andrew, their younger son, but he appeared on the screen to give Nancy's biography

The family had put together a great collection of photos, showing some of her involvement with many groups.

Homily ( sermon to uplift ) " Nancy's Home"
Very sweet message and gospel message. Mark clearly knew Nancy very well, and delivered his thoughts with love

Maybe this is when we all sang together
     " Precious Lord Take my Hand" 

Scriptures shared, Psalm 90 and 139

Four of the 7 grandchildren stood together and shared their love for their Grandma, Nana, with tears and much love

Al's brother John also shared 

Friends of Nancy shared next and it was amazing how much she had been involved with, started, maintained, finished,  never to leave out the friendships that developed.   She was deliberate in her connections.

Qualities/habits   mentioned often,, hospitality, greeting cards, love for the Lord
Phrases she shared:  There are no ordinary people
  We are all made in the image of God
   People need to know they have value 
(in my heart, from a wedding shower years ago Nancy shared ) Validate his feelings first,  then you can share yours.   I have written this many times and tried to live it out.

A reception followed  and I got a huge hug from this girl...and also her close friend Nancy 

My own story began in about 1965, while I was living in Oak Park for a brief time.  Our acquaintance became a friendship when Al and Nancy moved to Bellevue.   Al was a groomsman in our wedding and we attended the weddings of their three children.
Nancy entertained us many times as a young couple and later we joined other ladies in luncheons, Bible study and prayer.  
While our lives have changed, out times together changed. More recently Nancy and I have had coffee or lunch together, sharing  "life", the hard and happy times, always feeling safe. She was a positive and affirming influence to me.  She easily added scripture to our conversations.    

Many good memories    Many gifts  shared    My favorite greeting card came just about a month ago.  A treasure for sure 

Makes me smile  each time I see it
Right in front of me, on my desk
Not sure which one is me
Both are having fun

An example to follow 

I live an exciting life 


Monday, July 15, 2024

Only at Tiffany's

 Friday...clear all day    Garage Sale Begins 

Who needs 44 little pots?  

A very nice lady was happy to purchase all of them 

Saturday:  weather report was not good,, but when we opened the doors, it was clear.

Soon a gentleman arrived with his sister,  and told us it was pouring up north when he picked up his sister, in Bellingham
he was from Kirkland,   ..
well, I said, I am from Bellevue
He said  " where in Bellevue, I know Bellevue"
I said  " Cherry Crest,  Bridle Trails"
He said "  I have been there"
I said  " Who are you?" ( he was looking familiar, but I could not think of his name)
He said  " I am Louis"
I said  " I know you, you were our UPS driver"
He said  " I know you, and I just talked to Darrell yesterday...
         small world, but not the end of the story

Tiffany came outside and I introduced her to Louis.
They greet each other ...then
Louis said:  What do you do for your job?"
She said:  " I am a personal manager for a gentleman on Mercer Island
He said:  " I was given a tip to do some work for a man on Mercer Island who needed
                  someone who could work on cars"

She said  " that could have been me, who was your contact "
He said: "My friend Alex, he said that guy had a lot of sports cars"
She said:  " that was me, I was looking for some help a couple years ago. and Alex works
              on my cars. So I asked him if he knew anyone who could help with car maintenance
He said:  " what a coincidence "

                 It is a small world after all

Louis still gets around  

Another gentleman came with his little kids.  They were looking at the bug collection

The daddy took a picture and said his wife might like it. She like all of nature.
A little later a pretty green Rivian stopped at the driveway. I was admiring the vehicle and did not recognize that it was the daddy coming back.  I commented on the Rivian and he smiled, I like it too. That is the company I work for.  And, my wife would like the bug collection.
Feels good to have our collection in good hands.  We enjoyed Uncle Clarence's handwork for many years and it was time to pass it on.

There is a lady who comes every year.  She is very chatty and my daughter says, " she is a little high"
She always buys something.  
We love having regulars who come every year, same time, same station. 

Always something or someone to make each year a memory. 

Last year it was the fire.

I live an exciting life  

Sunday, July 14, 2024

A brief encounter ( it happens )

 While I wish I could have taken a picture, I don't think I will ever forget or lose the mental picture..

At a favorite place, The British Pantry
I could hear the waitress and the family needing a table for four

And in they came, Mama dressed in a Play Boy shirt that barely came to her waist and a hot pink skirt that was a little shy of 12 inches.  
                              Dad was carrying his phone and an infant seat.  Oh that makes five
                              Little fellow, age 7 ( he was surprised I guessed his age  )
                              Little gal, maybe 4, pink fluffy sundress, her name is Kelly
A random conversation with the little fellow.  Wondering  if we were from England.
He and his family are all from England.   He does not like it here. 
He asked about the photos on the wall.. Queen Elizabeth,  Princess Diana 

Kelly is busy having a tea party with her water and the tea cup at her place
She is not happy about something.  She wanders off. She cries out.  

Dad is still on his phone, but wait, there are two infants.. yes twins about 9 months old.

Our food arrives and we bow our heads and give thanks

I hear a little boys voice  " God save the Queen"

Mom and the older kids disappear and the food comes and Dad is still on his phone
It must be a video, I hear voices 
The family is now around the table and starting to eat their dinner
Dad is still on his  phone

Kelly was eating her broccoli trees, little fellow had a huge order of fish and chips, and.. well, then we had to say  " Cheerio "

 Just  a few days later we were eating at the Black Diamond Bakery  and  a little family of four was nearby.   They were quiet, I was impressed how the dad was helping his daughter do some drawing, and mother was turned toward the other daughter... they were obviously having sweet family time. No cell phone in view 
Worth a little praise from a Grammy  ♥  

I live an exciting life 

I live an exciting life 



Welcome to West Port

A community of special homes 


OK, not a home for you or me, but many a bird or two 

We spent a week in West Port and one night, we took a ride just to capture the feel of a city beyond fishing and shopping and feasting

I live an exciting life