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Sunday, November 13, 2022

That's my boy



We were already in Spokane when our son texted that he was going to come over too.  Great !

On his way,  with "a 30 minute delay" ... slow  traffic?  late start? I wondered 

Here is what happened: 

There is always traffic on Friday night and he had already driven by three stalled cars.
Here was one more, and just beyond the car,  what looked like a pile of clothing,

but wait, it is moving,  up and then down and

Damon slowed down and realized this could be someone in distress

And it was.  An elderly man was heading out for gas when he lost his balance and could not seem to get his legs to work.  Damon gave him a hand to get back on his feet and then he took the gentleman to a nearby exit and a gas station.

On their return, they found his wife and daughter in the car, waiting, now with a dead battery. The ignition was still turned on and that drained the battery.

At this point the gentleman said he would call his service company ( something like AAA)

And Damon went on his way....wondering now,  how long were his wife and family going to wait before maybe calling for help?   

Well, help was on it's way

and this Mama is feeling proud.   A good proud. Moms can be proud of good stuff that happens

I live an exciting life


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