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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Garage Sale


It happens every year and it is always on Father's Day weekend.

Though we are still setting up, it all starts about 365 days prior.  We start putting things aside that we want to part with and mark them, so when the day comes, the rest is "grunt work" and fun.

We are usually a trio, Tiffany (daughter), Barb (sister) and me.  but this year, my sister got "you know what".  We missed her, but we carried on and a good friend, Amanda, joined us.  

Maybe you can tell by now that we love this event. We don't get rich, but we always see some interesting people and just have a fun time. We seldom set aside time to just be together, so this puts that into play.

Friday morning
  ( Tiffany  and Amy (neighbor) set out early to put up very good signs )

This is a neighborhood project, so several other garages are open and ready for "company"

Early on, we have a feeling how the day is going to go.  Slow. Quite slow. There is a drizzle almost all day.  

Would you get out to do garage saleing in the rain?      Thought so.

We were delighted when our friends, Al and Judy  from Renton, came by. We pulled up some chairs, made coffee and ate maple bars.  The highlight of the day. 

At closing, we were praying that Saturday would at least be clear.  Amanda told us that two weeks ago when she had a garage sale, on Friday, she earned $5.   We did better than that, but we are not going to brag

We usually go to Red Robin for dinner and..

Regardless of the proceeds for the day, we celebrate

No rain.  Not a drop.  So we move things out into the driveway and the customers start moving in.

Favorites purchase details 

Disney car croc..only one, a demo from a sample sale.  Who would buy one shoe?
 A Dad...he said his son had loved that shoe and had at least two pairs, so he wanted it for the memory. 
( daughter and friend looked at each other and me in disbelief, but that is how garage sales surprise you)

We appreciated meeting Virage Sale secretary
She was our favorite kind of shopper. She took her time and paused here and there to examine a few things.  Then she took everything out of the kitchen tool basket 

She found some things that needed a name and we googled them and she bought some and, well, that was fun.

Golf balls. collected at the park and along the road here and there ( it's a long story)  All cleaned up, labeled and priced, by the dozen.
A lady was checking them out (finally) so I called out
" golf balls are half price today"   I saw her looking at the prices and mumbling. I said

 "$3. a dozen"
She said " $2. a dozen"  

 I said "sold"
So, she came up with two dozen and $4.
Not more than 5 minutes later a gentleman came up with two dozen and $20.   

He said "$10. a dozen"
I said "Thank you"

A couple young gals were excited for vintage clothes ( probably about 30 years old )

3:30 Hubby arrives. Help with breakdown ! Yes !

The final scene: 

The sale is over at 4:00, but the doors stay open while we are packing up. 
A few more customers browse and leave, but two men keep looking.
When my Tiffany  and family left for a party, it was 4:30.
The men were still looking around. Hubby  is helping to load up the car. 
 I planted myself by the money box and answered questions. Would we take less for this or that. 
At least 30 minutes have past and they had found very little. 
What about the bag, large old bag, right on the money table?   Yes, it was for sale $1.00

( this bag was filled with the " no sale" items headed to good will, so I  emptied it )   
Along with the bag he wanted one of the caps $0.50, and a cell phone frame for $0.50.   
Was anything on on the shelf behind me for sale?
And then a  "charger" for cell phones they wanted for $2.00. No, it is priced $3.00. They went to their car for a cord, it worked, so they paid $3.00 and very leisurely walked to their car.

I take the money box and head inside. Even now, thinking about it, I am feeling  anxious.

About 15 minutes later we are packed up and secure. I slipped over to Amy,  our favorite neighbor just to say goodbye... she had seen the men, gave me a big hug,  and I followed the big blue pick up home

Another Garage Sale in the books !  

End of story

I live an exciting life

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