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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Time to have a party

Party Time

Yes, I am having a party. Well, it 's a luncheon, but I call it a party because I send out invitations
( actually I have three containers of inivitations on hand to choose from, and this is the one I found to suit my friend

Now this party is to honor a lady. Yes, very much a lady, so I found the most elegant invitation I have and I think it will be fine.

OH, I also like to set a pretty table, have flowers, party favors, you know, a party.

The guest list.  Mostly our circle of friends who get together as often as we can.
Plus three.
I know the others, but one in particular I know only by face  ( I think )
She responds quickly to my email
She offers to host the party.
I want to respond quickly.

I begin, and realize her address is close to me.
I google it and
oops not google, it is Zillow
There is her home. WOW
There is the value of her home WOW
There is the size of her home - twice the size of mine.

A Dilemma 

Now, I am wondering.
Should I let her host the party?  
( I will never have the opportunity to see inside her lovely home again)
Will I feel funny having her at my little dining room table?
( Should I buy a new table? )
Should I ask the guest of honor?

What shall I do ?


Bel McCoy said...

Ha ha have quite the conundrum!!! Let her have it!!

justbenme said...

oops, i sent out the invitations on Saturday. My place, no turning back now.