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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A journal page

 Not an epic year in numbers, but an epic year of birthday  memories.    Maybe because the older I get the more I realize what is of value in life.   And some events need to be put on paper.... don't ever want to forget.

( did not know it would last until August, but here goes )

First celebration was with my sister Barb.  We always head to Gilman Village for lunch.  Though the Boarding House is gone, we found another good spot for treats.

Another long time friend, Bonnie ( we met on my wedding day)   We do lunch and still like to exchange gifts.  She knows me


A few days before the 30th, four cards arrived in the mail.   All of them had a special touch

H.K. and I have known each other all our lives. We would have lunch together every year, before she moved away.  The card had a special meaning, only one thing was missing, our favorite verse
Hebrews 13:5  Let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have, for He has said, I will never leave you or forsake you.

Can't resist a memory from one of our few vacations together.
Hawaii in pok-a-dots 

Mother & Daughter, also friends for a long time. This year the card had a special message from each of them. The daughter's was most special.  She is struggling with a hard diagnosis, but that did not keep her from writing her own note of love.

Long time neighbor/friend, Sally, like family to our kids. We usually have lunch and exchange gifts and laughs.  This year her brain is not always working. That is what she shared along with the card that looked like her....many phrases underlined with her honest and loving friendship.

Shoes on the card from Laurie  BSF friend.  I thanked her and asked why people connect me with shoes? Everyone has shoes.  Well, she said, it might be because you post shoe pictures.     
Guilty.   She knows me

All this before the actual date. May 30. 
Growing up it was always a holiday, Memorial day. No work, no school.  Aunt Pat would take us to Lincoln Park for the first picnic of the year. Now the holiday has to be on a Monday.  Not sure why that has changed the tradition, but life IS different.

Thursday, this year, and texts and emails arrived and a personal visit from Betty.  That is a gift.
One on one time.  
Then off to the airport to pick up friends...we stopped for dinner at Duke's for a celebration dinner.  Thank you Sikora's

My other Barbara arrived on Friday with a plate of cookies... and just in time for company dessert...and a gift of King Arthur treats

She also included the recipe for the delights she had picture, they were consumed quickly.   so good. 

OK.. I have been blessed... but need to list each one because each one is special ( thoughts looming up in my heart, without photos or other comments for now )  

Marie knows the best chocolate is Swiss and added a sweet candle
Kim knows I like Minnie and will love serving on "her" platter
Leni added to my Starbucks card
Nancy's "Seashore" earrings came in time for a trip to the ocean
Lunch with Helen at the Cheese cake factory ( Key lime dessert)
Jude, Eleanor and Tiff repeating Key Lime Cheese Cake
Cindy and I love Applebees..and we skipped dessert
Connie completed (probably )the celebration  at British Pantry


Thank you Connie 

I live an exciting life 

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