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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

things happen when you pray

 It started on Wednesday at Bible Study

In Psalm 96 verse 2 we read Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.

In the discussion we talked about proclaiming Salvation, how often do we thank God for our salvation and how often do we share it.

Next day we are heading to Chicago and before we leave I ask the Lord for words,  proclaiming his Salvation, if the opportunity came. 

I was seated by a lady and her son.  For most of the flight they were in conversation and I was reading my book. 
Then she turned and smiled and asked about my trip. I told her I was going to a small family Bible Camp. Not sure how the conversation got to our "faith" but I told her I  believe in Jesus, that He is the Son of God and is my Savior.        Then I asked her about her faith.    
( I wish I had a recorder going, but who knew all that she would share )
She believed in dreams, and we noticed the book I was reading.   She called God her manager, but she was not a Christian.  She encouraged her children to learn and study other avenues of faith.  Her son reads the Bible every day.   Her daughter goes to a Catholic school.  

While that was the serious part of our visit, there is more to come.

She asked an unexpected question.  What have you learned lately?

Well, I had just been putting some facts/ideas together in my mind and this is what came out:
I believe that there is no one, not a spouse, friend, child, that can understand/help with every issue in your life...Only Jesus.
I also realize with technology we sometimes expect answers right away.  But,  everyone has there own style/preference of communication.  Some text, some phone call, some email,   some promptly, some pause,... because they are not like me/you, does  not make them wrong. 

More conversation...

Her son was going to an economic convention in Chicago, he is 16.  He began his schooling at Cherry Crest Elementary..... What ?! one block from my house ! The school my kids went to! 
  A family across the street have a 16 year old boy and I started looking for his name in my phone, but as I scrolled I came  to his mother's name first and the lady beside me said...I know her, her son is also coming to the competition here in Chicago.

Now that is what I call...a small world....and even more,,, providence.

She took my name and thought we might meet for coffee some day.

I have not heard from her yet, but ... one day at a time

I live an exciting life

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