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Saturday, July 22, 2023

Day two


Though we had spent the day with Valle de Joux cousins 5 years ago,  this year we are gathering at the family chalet.  We had no idea how special this day would be.

A four hour train ride, so an early start

 Cindy and her mom met the 9 of us at the station and up, up, up the mountain we go.

This is where the cows live during the summer months. 

  The view...hard to capture the color


Mr and Mrs Rochat...  Darrell's 2nd cousin ..maybe 3rd 

And Cindy, Fabien and Lilah and Selya (Cara another daughter was upstairs feeling sickish)     Oh, Fabien broke his leg in several places so a wheel chair is his ride for several weeks.

A walk through the house

 to a table set with a huge array of delights  

daisies from the garden decorate  the table 

and Fabien grills lots of brats 

Then a very unusual and fun dessert


First you spread a few tablespoons of double cream on your plate

Then you crumble a meringue over the top and stir together 

then a tour through the chalet.....  

No electricity ... this stove holds very good coffee  

The upstairs bedroom where Sebastian and Tanner spent the night  

At the kitchen sink perfect spot for a heart to heart with Cindy
She teaches music and is an artist
Her hubby grew up in a watch making family and now helps run the Rolex office in Genève 

Did I mention there is no runny water

You dip water from the bucket and "flush" 

and look out the window 

Sebastian and Tanner spend the night 

They made good use of the pocket knives that the family had their names engraved on  and then they had raclette over the fire .... and check out the view again ...right from their back yard 

and game time by candlelight 

We say goodnight to the boys

Cindy drives us to town where we stay at

The Bellevue Hotel

Dinner and a good nights rest 

I live an exciting life 

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