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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

it started early one morning


While reading and praying one morning, I paused and thought about all the good news, the truth that I know and just how often do I share it? !

Well, I was going to be volunteering at the Library shop in a few hours and since I do not read novels, it is comforting to know that my partner usually does.
( I started this "job" a few years ago to sort of get me out of my Christian cocoon )
So, I just asked the Lord to give me the words to share, if it worked into the conversation

This week my partner was a neighbor that I have worked with before and know just a little about.

The shift is 3 hours, and close to the final hour I asked her if she read much... actually assuming that she did in our chatting.   "Yes", she said, "I do, and just recently I have been reading the Bible and it is fascinating". 

open door

After a little more details of her interest and background, I invited her to the study of John this fall through BSF.  Yes, she wanted to come

As we locked up and said our good byes she said..."don't forget to invite me"

I live an exciting life 

1 comment:

BethL said...

That God uses us, is such a beautiful thing. That you were willing to be used is blessedly wonderful. Thank you, Kathy, for encouraging others with your words.