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Sunday, November 15, 2020

A Sunday word..


Yes,,, number 322...And harps of minstrelsy

I don't think the hymnwriter used this  dictionary 

  1. 1.
    the art or occupation of a medieval minstrel.
    "a tradition of oral minstrelsy stretching back for centuries"
  2. 2.
    the form of entertainment associated with minstrel shows, featuring songs, dances, and formulaic comic routines based on stereotyped depictions of black Americans and typically performed by white actors with blackened faces.
    "it was a counter to the proliferation of racist caricatures, particularly in blackface minstrelsy"

But, after singing that line this morning, I thought I should add it to my word collection

Anyone have another definition?   


klamb said...

New and Concise Bible Dictionary


The word nagan signifies a player on a stringed instrument, a harpist, though used of players of any musical instrument.Elisha once when solicited to give advice asked for a minstrel to be brought, and when the minstrel played, the hand of the Lord came upon him. 2 Kings 3:15. The minstrels mentioned in Matthew 9:23 were pipers or flute players hired to assist in mourning.

justbenme said...

Thanks....I like that better...much better..