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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Another word

This time, I need a little help.
There is this many  words in the English language has more than one meaning.

and I do know what it means, 
but not in one word
not to explain to an 8 year old.

You see, my mother used to say that when a friend was a little rude or unpleasant, that they were probably insecure.
That is the word.


I have done some research and I know that almost every breathing two legged feels insecure some of the time.

So, I would love some input.  
How would you explain "insecure" to an 8 year old?

Even an opinion is welcome  ...


If I don't get any feedback, I might resort to facebook, but I know my favorite readers are very smart ( or they would not be reading this blog ) 

Think about it..♥

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