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Friday, June 12, 2020

the pathway to "happy"

The paths in life vary.

Well, there are mental paths and physical paths 

Today I am talking about a physical path.

Little one discovered it..

The  yellow mail box is on the fence between our two yards.  We have had two tea parties there, mostly in their level driveway / yard.   Right below the mailbox is a green chair.  Sometimes I come out for a visit and sit down in the green chair.   The little girls are getting closer and closer.  They know they are to stay 6 feet away, but none of us have been going very far, or being around other people... not quite hugs yet, but I can hardly wait. 

The mailbox is new to us.   Our friend got a locked box so we brought this one home and painted it.  Now I can put some treats inside and put the flag up.  The girls find the treats and sometimes they draw pictures and notes for me. Then the flag is up again 

Ok. kind of hard to read, but you get the idea 

and it gets better

This is the favorite so far   

Well, not long after hubby nailed the mailbox in place, little one found the short cut

You have to look carefully,
and not as easy for the older generation
just right for little ones to come pay a visit 

their  life does not revolve around me
but sometimes
my joy revolves around them 

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