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Monday, August 12, 2019

Through her kitchen window

My sister had no idea what she would be watching at her kitchen sink.
She had been gardening and needed a drink of water.

They live in a  little neighborhood, and very little excitement happens.
From her kitchen window she can see all the 4 houses across the street

To the left, across the street, a young man was walking with a large dog. A very large and active dog and it was hard to tell if he was walking the dog or the dog was walking him.
Many neighbors walk their dogs, so you get to know them.
This was a stranger.
He was moving toward the next driveway and talking very loudly, to himself, using very bad language and punching a fence. 

Mild mannered neighbor, Claudia, walked toward him and said
" I just want to make sure you are OK."

He continued to shout out profanity.

Claudia was not happy about that. She got a little closer and said
"That is not very nice language , I am going to call the police "

 while her daughter is behind her and my sister is now outside and calling to Claudia and pointing to her phone and saying she is calling 911
Claudia does not seem to notice

that is when he attacked her .
Got her down on the ground and was punching her. She was face down and blows came to her arms and back.  

My sister has already called 911...not sure how the Fire Department arrived first, but my sister yelled at them to help Claudia.  They did not, but were on their phone.(  They are not qualified, or allowed to get involved at this point.   They could lose  their job )

By now two police cars have arrived.   They are able to tackle the young man and help Claudia, but the young man escapes and runs next door.   This is a medical office and someone is already taping the rest of the story on her cell phone..

The rest of the story?    The young man assaulted an officer  and pushed his hand through the police car window...  and now there are 6 police cars and just as many officers are now taking care of that young man.

About now, Rog is outside and taking care of the recycle and garbage bins.  He is not happy.  He does not seem to be aware there are 6 police cars and many people gathering with his wife, across the street.  He yells to her " Barb, you need to call  waste management. They did not take all of our garbage again "    I do not need to tell you what my sister replied 

The garage sale had stopped momentarily.   One of the customers said... I know that dog. Mastiffs are very unusual around here and he does not belong to that guy.
Sure enough, young man had stolen the dog, was high on drugs and probably would not remember any of the events of the morning. 

little note:  if you have never seen what it looks like to control someone who is high on drugs, I just viewed an incident, downtown Seattle. documented by Christopher Rufo, on facebook.  Crazy energy and actions .

However,  my sister, Claudia and all the garage sale customers will never forget.

And..the sale went on...

In  a quiet neighborhood with  very little excitement 

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