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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

You smell like Grammy

A week with little man....

                 just spending the night and taking him to school in the morning.

First morning..
crawls into bed with me about 6:05.
snuggles, like a banana peel and whispers
  I love you
then I say " I love you too"
he says  " You smell like Grammy"
I say  " I am Grammy"
He says, " Oh, I forgot you were going to be here "

That has made me smile all week

yes, sometimes I try to sleep with my glasses on 

Second morning.

He has the directions to school in his head and tells me
" I will get you there, but on Friday, you are on your own"
Hey Grammy... three red cars together   (  he knows me )
Three counting Sabrina 

Third morning

We go early, to the YMCA program, so I can scoot home, and hubby and I will ride together to Tacoma to Bible Study.
Little man hops out of the car...
" Don't forget your backpack"
oops, we left it at home
( don't tell anyone...our secret... that evening, no one said a word )
He bought his lunch, all good.

Fourth morning,

Crawled into bed with me about 2:55.   He was pretty restless all night.
In the morning, we talked about it... Wait until your clock says 6:00 tomorrow.
Two cups of Tully's  Hawaiian blend and we are on our way.
Why did I think he was not paying attention...I turned one street too soon.... we laughed

Today I pick him up from school
I say " Are you hungry?"
he says  " McDonalds"
(why am I not surprised  )

kid meal and m & m  mcflurry
He likes his cheese burger without pickle
We used the kiosk    

Fifth morning
Slept in.  He came in about 6:00 and fell back to sleep.

Friday, and I remember, I am on my own... 
No wrong turns
Who cares if it is a little chilly
Why have a convertible,if you can't put the top down ?!?

good byes until Sunday night.

Sunday night - Happy Birthday to Son In Law

and Last morning.... slept in... remembered backpack...remembered all the turns.
Going to miss those mornings with that little man.

Next time, his shoes might be bigger than mine
I hope not
I want to spend time with him again, soon 

He is 7 years old 

I live an exciting life

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