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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Lunch at McDonalds

Ok, it happens often,
especially when little man comes for the day
he LOVES  McDonalds.

Cheeseburger without the pickle, and, usually, at the end of the meal, a mc flurry with m and  m's 

And that is what he ordered today.

The difference today was  the location.

The center lane on 156th  is  blocked in front of the restaurant so you have to make a U turn to get into the parking and lot and than another U turn to go back home.  And that is only if you make the right left hand turn.   Which I did not.  So, on the way home we went way, way out of our way.

oh well

Once inside, the layout is small and there are lots of window seats and some high benches and tables and a TV screen    Huge TV  screen       I was glad there was no sound because the news is not good, even at the lunch hour  ( not sure if that really makes a difference because I don't even watch tv at home )

It was not crowded, but little man picked a spot next to a "family".
The child in the booth next to ours had his back to us.  The couple facing him were holding phones. Neither of them were smiling, neither of them seemed to hear the voice of the child in their booth.
I wondered what was so interesting.   
How long before that little fellow will turn to someone else, someone who will listen. 

To my right was an older man eating his lunch, minding his own business and yes, glued to his phone.

But, I was most entertained by the little man I came with.   He entertained himself.   We had our own conversation about our trip to the mall and all the 25 ¢ rides.  He is pretty tall, but still has 4 years to go before he is too old to ride.  Who knows how long before he will be bored on the rocket,  train, or 3 horse carousel,  but for now, I am so thankful that such a small thing can  make him smile.    And I am thankful that he  comes up with interesting ways to drink his juice

Normally, we say, please sit up to the table.  But, when you are with Grammy, she can recognize creativity. 

I live an exciting life
I am very blessed  

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