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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

it was one of those mornings
well a usual sort of morning
wake up at 6:30 as usual
sip coffee and read Proverb of the day, as usual 
Down to the kitchen to prepare bacon for brunch at Bible study
Hubby always prepares breakfast on Wednesday.
and cleans up, so to speak, as usual 

Why does water spray all over the counter ?
Why did my apron tie get caught in the oven door ?
Why is there grease on the counter ?
Why do we need to stop for gas before Bible study ?

How did we get in the car and leave the driveway on time. As usual ? 

Maybe so I could copy the Proverb for the day...
December 13
Proverbs 13:20  He who walks with wise men grow wise
( watch your step ) 

 Always time  to share  a Proverb.  

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