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Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thanksgiving started early

well, when I am hosting,  Thanksgiving always starts early.

This year a friend gave me a hint...some things can be made days ahead and frozen.


The table can be set, as soon as you know how many will be gathering


But wait...someone brought a beautiful arrangement Wednesday evening....

  The table is looking even better

What do you think..... torches to light the path !! 

And our little man has made a thankful tree.
Each guest will take a card, write what he is thankful for 
and place it on the tree

like this

and I could never get everything made and on the table without help

And here she youngest, very organized, energetic and adorable girl
After years of taking her week of  " kitchen helper"  she is very at home in our home

Sorry to say, this is the best group picture  ↓

Please note some guests are wearing crowns.
   The cutest is our friend on the left...white hair and blue crown. She is from Scotland and she is very familiar with the tradition of poppers.  Each popper pops ( sort of a loud snap ) and contains a crown, a surprise and a joke ( it varies ) 

Turkey, ham, dressings (3 ) rolls ( and biscuits )gravy, deviled eggs, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, cranberry sauce, sparkling cider, desserts ( 3 + ) and of course, coffee
( we do not do those Mid-west green beans )

This work of art was as delicous as it looks
the photo does not do it justice
you will have to take my word for it
( I can verify next week, our guest left 1/4 here and it's in the freezer ) 

a place to sit and be challenged - the only teenager almost finished this on his own
Also, he is the young man who answered the question
What is your favorite part of thanksgiving ?....

" the people"

This year we had guests who celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time as
      U. S., citizens ! 

In the end, a great time was had by all  (  no one complained, so we are quite sure )
and we ended up with other treasures

Yes the arrangement, also Autumn tea towel, Blessings ornament and dish with Scottish shortbread and much, much more 

So, assuming you have scrolled this far, you will be "rewarded" with the story.  You will have to use your imagination since I could not find my camera fast enough.

Here is what happened...
 I have been wanting one of those whip cream dispensers, for a long time. Then I found one on sale and tonight was the first time to use it.
 Whipped cream does look good on pecan pie.....Our dear and oldest ( he is 88 ) friend was ready for some cream and I was ready with my new gismo.
ready ! presto ! all happened so seconds there were splashes of cream all over Vern his glasses, his clothes, the sofa,  Christian to the left, Zena to the right, carpet, table and me ..
screams and laughter and
daughter came running from the kitchen
someone came with towels
It shot 360 degrees
If only I could have found my camera, but I think you can get a mental picture.
I really wanted to try it again
no one seemed interested in whipped cream
through it all, Christian continued to eat his pie, through his cream spotted glasses.
Why his wife asked?   I didn't want your mom to feel bad.
He is a true Southern Gentleman 

After everyone had gone home, we opened the container and poured the cream into a just kept bubbling and bubbling this

There is still one more secret.  It is a secret until now. I have not told anyone.  It happened on Wednesday.   I had taken our turkey out of the freezer on Sunday, put it in the frig, and then planned to roast it on Wednesday. Well, when I pulled it out of the frig, it was not a turkey.  It turned into a ham.    For about 45 minutes I was nervous for the first time this season. That is how long it took to drive to the market where they still had some fresh turkeys.   I grabbed the biggest one and drove back home and never said a word.   Until now.    So that is our secret.  Pretty sure, it will never happen again.



I live an exciting life.

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