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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

an author we love

she came to our library

The man i live with was out of town, so i went by myself with about 200 other happy people. 

The local book store was on hand with her latest story
I bought one, but it is for a friend. I am way behind on her other books
so i want to catch up first 

And there she was ! 
She had a sweet and not too long presentation and
answered some questions:
What is your favorite verse?
She began....I can do all things
and the crowd finished....through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
How old are you?
The same age as Robert Redford, Jane Fonda...
( she looks terrific, I think she must use Avon )

Sparkling Cider and cake for everyone !

And that was that.
Fun !

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