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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Farewell to a friend

The call came late Sunday evening.    She told me that her father had passed away, on Friday, the gathering to honor him would be Monday .   I will be there.
It was a small group, only the 3 family members were recognizable to me  but some of the other faces were familiar . They were close friends.   Friends who had stories  and love to share with the family.
We all gathered in the living room area and after an opening prayer the oldest daughter shared.
That was when my memory started to  kick in.
for me it had been over 50 years since I had met him.  I was the babysitter. In those days, and for that family, I came every day during the summers, from 9 to 5 and often into the evening  for dinner parties.
I remembered one of their family trips and I went along.   We went up to Birch Bay in a camper and stayed at a park with a pool  That is where he taught me to dive.  I am not a swimmer, beyond saving my life, but he gave me the courage to jump. Jump like I was leaping over a barrel.  
During the summer  the family would go water skiing and a time or two  I went along. That was one thing I could not get the hang of, but he patiently kept letting me try.
Then came the years of working in his office.  Most of the time I would ride to and from with him  He had a small car with a stick shift. I will always remember the changing of the gears and  the rock and roll that went along with it.   When the office changed to a new location He gave me their “old” blue Cadillac ( his Dad had given them a newer pink Cadillac  )   That was my first car.
The time came for me to move away, but we always stayed in touch. I knew I could always call with any medical questions I might have.  And I did.
And so the years have gone by. The loss of their precious son at such an early age.   And much later their younger  son lost his life.
 And now it is his turn. 
He will be  missed. He left many memories behind.   Some funny, some very sad, but they are the memories that have been made.
It is always a searching time for me.
 What memories am I leaving  behind?
 What is of the greatest value in life?  
the questions continue
 my mind and heart are  processing

1 comment:

Bethany said...

so sorry. glad you have good memories, and may the processing yield insights. xo.