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Thursday, January 16, 2020

who's world ?

No, my world has not changed,  has it?

I was shaken and brought to tears and reminded to take a closer look, at life


I read her story,
The story of a mother who lost her young adult son
to drugs.

No, I have not been through that
but, I know and love someone who has

Your life, your world, your hurts...they are all unique 
Lots of thoughts going through my head, but the bottom line, for me, right now...

What is so important in life that we / I cannot forgive

No one to forgive with Cancer
No one to forgive with financial debt
No one to forgive with....

But, what is it in my / our heart of hearts that we cannot forgive ?

Tell me

Then I came across this:

Things you will never regret
Putting your phone down
Listening over talking
Visiting grandma
Reading the Bible
Kindness on social media
Investing in memories over things
Not gossiping
Thankfulness over comparison
Buying lemonade at the stand
Taking the higher road
Catching fireflies with your kids
Getting to know your next door neighbor  
Forgiving others
Forgiving yourself
Doing that scary thing
Giving the compliment
Drink more water
Saying “ I love you”
Trusting God

Many more...

I like it

So, no picture needed,  but copied in my heart 

No editing,   Just thinking and writing... 

Saturday, January 4, 2020

California here we come

Landed ... John Wayne 

First stop, a parking lot
Took a different "exit" and just in and out
But, she made us pay $1.00  

Next Stop..dinner ..and good coffee
Then, phone died.... 

Phone woke up
and so did the sky 

Waking up to mickey and good coffee
( thank you Bonnie )

Hot Spring
105 °

Always good treats 

The bluest skies you will ever see are in Seattle
sometimes Murietta Hot Springs 

Final shot with Juliana
then phone died
and so did my other shoe

So, just a little evidence that we went away for a few days in December

Happy New Year !