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Sunday, October 13, 2024

didn't make the cut... so to speak


a few more memories

Little polaroid cameras at the wedding... take a picture, then take it home
So my little Tanner did just that...  

onward... still day one

Uncle D and J and T

about 200 smore bags....but later, a burning ban 

Now we are at day two... wedding rehearsal day.

She had a perfect white dress for each day 


groom to be with friend forever 

a walk in town... always time to shop 

too fun

Auntie Nita and beautiful Claire

A little one on one time with my youngest   grand,
Did he get his feet wet?  

and a healthy pride 

gathering with friends and family, night before the wedding 

OK...  random photos... not in order, but good memories 

Sally, my friend for over 40 years 

These ladies are unloading some of the treats 
Helping hands ! 

Our grands !  So grand 

Ottopals, Tiffany, Dale and Sebastian

Conrads, Tanner, Anita and Christian 

Sally with her daughter Kelly and son in law John 

Paul... a friend to us for over 50 years 

Mimi and Steve Schirber 

We know these guys  ↑ ↓

cousin Jeff and Tracy
came all the way from Battleground 

We all scream for ice cream
well, softly scream 

Yes, they did some "dancing"

Pretty special dance 

Will not forget this couple. They brought food and drinks and comfort and smiles 

And they lived happily ever after

and that is my final reflection on a very special 3 days.   
The professional photos should be even better

I live an exciting life 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

A donation



That is the place to go when you want to donate blood.

And I have a relative that has needed blood, but she has needed much more.

She is on her second year of Chemo treatment and with all that involves, her family had organized a blood drive last December, and I participated
This little gal is now 5 years old

Now in the system, I get a call for my rare blood type   Rh negative O 
Also, another relative was on facebook and doing the right thing

I made my appointment 

Hooked up by Erica

Relaxed for less than 15 minutes

Gentleman in the galley said, "take two" 
 So I did, and Doritos for hubby 

The "reward " above, is nothing compared to the "reward" on the other end. I will never know who will receive it, but just knowing someone needs what I have given, is a gift.

Interesting how your mind, your brain, tells you that you have so much to be thankful for.  Being in good health and able to give a little pint of blood, is the right thing to do.

I live an exciting life 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

A brief encounter


We stopped for lunch at a favorite place

Felt like the right time to tell hubby about something hard
Maybe just verbalizing what I had been reading, made me a little emotional
We tried to sort it out, but too much to fix at one time

Eyes still a little runny when I felt a hand on my arm
The lady at the table next to ours was smiling at me

She said she had heard our conversation and had been through the same situation.  Though the room was noisy and I could not hear all her words, I did hear
" you are not alone"
"you will get through this"
I asked her if she loved Jesus
She smiled and said yes
A few more comforting comments and then our food came

Hubby and I bowed our heads and gave thanks.  When we opened our eyes, the couple was gone.  

Soon our lunch  was consumed and the waitress came and said
" your meal has been covered, the couple next to you said you were going through a hard time and they paid for your lunch"

eyes swimming again
they do that

wish I could remember her name, but the Lord knows and He will repay her abundantly... Read Luke 6:38

I live an exciting life


a brief encounter


Hubby has a new flip phone

              Yes, they still sell flip phones

Today he was ready to run an errand and I noticed there was
          a light shining in his pocket

What?  How did the flashlight come on, on my phone?
But? How do I turn it off ?

There are just a few prompts on a flip phone and none of them worked.
Well, better call Tanner, he knows how !

Called Tanner, but he was asleep. His Mama thought she could figure it out.    We took a picture of  the face of his phone.
She tried a few things


Well, hubby was in a hurry, but on the way back from his errand he dropped by Tanner's house. 

 Sure enough, he knew. 

It takes a 12 year old to figure out some of those technology problems

Bless you lots, my Tanner ♥

I live an exciting life 


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Wedding day...


but first... 

It is the wedding day, but in the morning..

What?  does someone load wood in Poulsbo? 

Wearing your Swiss sweatshirt to breakfast 
 attracts Swiss club friends of the groom
Now we are friends too 

The hour is approaching... 

 Here we come...

This is just a glimpse into the beautiful venue
Hope to gather a few more pictures 

We are ready

oops,  this happened later 

She is ready 

Pre ceremony pictures
   ( these are just from my phone, not the professional )

Grampy and Grammy with their treasures 

The wedding party
Best friend, Sister, Bride & Groom, Sister, Best friend, Sister

Best man, from Texas 

A Swiss best friend from Texas 

The Pastor and his wife
Bride and Groom 

Popcorn now, rose petals soon 

The beautiful Kiana Lodge 
The view 

Music by harp and two other string instruments 

Pre ceremony refreshment 

Guest book,  cameras for pictures to take home

Generations of weddings 

Ready for guests.....

Princess Claire at the guestbook 

Here she comes 

Beautiful gown  and beyond...

And then, no cameras please until...

Appetizers on the lawn... busy chatting   
                a few favorites... 

Sally... long time friend

Three buddies since Sunday School days 

Kristine and Cindy... friends to all of us 

The main course 
and then

Always time for ice cream and hugs 

Cookies, Lindt Chocolates and more

The Swiss tradition

Wheel of cheese to cut and taste 
Flown in from Switzerland

shoes  ready to dance,  for some 

This is as close as I got to the fun 

They WERE the fun 

Always time for a hot cup of coffee 

Thank you Trevor.. 

Best server...with a smile 

And little lanterns light the way 

And they lived happily ever after 

I live an exciting life 

p.s.  even if technology is not my friend, pictures tell the story
